Ken Brodlie Prize for Best Paper
First: Llyr ap Cenydd and William Teahan, "The Dynamic Animation of.Ambulatory Arthropods"
Second: Kiia Kallio, "Scanline edge-flag algorithm for antialiasing"
Third: Takahiro Harada, Seiichi Koshizuka, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, "Real-time Fluid Simulation Coupled with Cloth"
Terry Hewitt Prize for Best Technical Research Student Paper
Winner: Odd Erik Gundersen and Lars Tangvald, "Level of Detail for Physically Based Fire"
Honorable mention: Rhys Thomas, Nigel John, Ik Soo Lim, "Anatomy Education using Rapid Prototyping"
Rob Fletcher Prize Best Student Application Paper
Winner:: Jo Skjermo, "GPU-based Wind Animation of Trees"
Honorable mention: I.R. Holmes and R.S. Kalawsky, "Delivering Effective and Usable Interactive 3D Visualization on Lightweight Devices"
University of Wales,
Bangor, UK
13-15th June 2007
Hosted by the School of Computer Science,
University of Wales, Bangor
in co-operation with Eurographics
Proceedings published by EG and placed on the EG
Digital Library
Honorary Conference Chairs:
Brodlie, University of Leeds
Terry Hewitt, University of Manchester
Anne Mumford, Loughborough University
Rob Fletcher, University of York

The 25th Conference organised
by the UK chapter of the Eurographics Association will be the
sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007
Conference (TP.CG.07).
aim of this conference is to focus on theoretical and practical
aspects of Computer Graphics and to bring together top
practicioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire
further collaboration between participants particularly between
academia and industry. Special celebrations are being organised to mark
the 25th anniversary.