EGUK 2001. Conference Programme.
Tuesday 3rd April.
2:00pm Welcome address.
2:15pm Invited talk. Tim Child, Televirtual,
Avatars, Loveytars and
3:00pm Tea.
Plenary Session 1: Virtual Environments
3:15pm Vince Jennings, University of East Anglia
Procedural modelling of
vernacular housing for virtual heritage environments.
3:45pm João Oliveira, University College London
Light-weight virtual humans.
4:15pm Julian Willmott, University of East Anglia
Modelling & rendering
large urban environments.
4:35pm Manuel Oliveira, University College London
Nemesis: A different approach
to building a virtual environment (or game).
5:00pm Close.
6:00pm Depart for London Eye.
Wednesday 4th April.
9:00am Coffee
9:30am Invited talk: Dr. Graham Thomas, BBC
Virtual studios and beyond.
10:30am Coffee
Parallel Session 2A: Simulating
natural phenomena.
10:45am Gordon C Watson, University of
Efficient techniques for
full-spectral rendering of the Earths atmosphere.
11:05am Roland Borch Hougs, University of East
A technique for simulating
naturally occurring waters.
11:25am Jon Timmis, University of Kent at Canterbury
aiVIS – Artificial immune
network visualisation
Parallel Session 2B: Research
forum I.
10:45am Nick Higgett, De Montfort
An investigation into
computer integrated house management systems (CIHMS) in the context
of multimedia design and technology
11:05am Hualin Zhou, University
of Wales Swansea
Image comparison with human
contrast sensitive function.
11:25am Darren Waite, University of East Anglia
World Navigation Systems:
Navigation in space, through air, on land.
11:45am Jonathan Roberts, University of Kent
at Canterbury
Sticky Pixels: Evolutionary
growth by random drop ballistic aggregation.
12:30pm Lunch
Parallel Session 3A: Modeling.
13:30pm James Edge, University of Sheffield
Expressive visual speech using geometric muscle
14:00pm Mark Eastlick, University of Sheffield
Triangle mesh simplification
using error polyhedra.
14:30pm Jian Zhang, Bournemouth
Fast creation of glass
surfaces considering curvature boundary conditions
Parallel Session 3B: Research
forum II.
13:30pm Ciaran Wills, University of Glasgow
Multimedia asset management for post-production
13:50pm John Cowell, De Montfort
Resolving conflicts in Arabic and Latin character
14:30pm Geoffrey Brindle, Manchester
Metropolitan University
Anti-aliased textures using shape-lookup tables
14:50pm Hyun Chin, KwangJu
Institute of Science and Technology
A ray tracing method with
ray-prediction, and its parallelization.
3:00pm Afternoon Tea
Plenary Session 2
3:15pm Huw Jones, Middlesex University
Exact object rendering
using iterated function systems.
3:45pm Sebastien Thon, Limoges University
A Semi-physical model of
running waters.
4:15pm EGUK AGM.
4:45pm Close.
7:00pm Conference Dinner.
Thursday 5th April
9:00am Coffee
Plenary Session 3: Rendering.
9:30am Mark W Jones, University of Wales Swansea
Using distance fields for
object representation and rendering.
10:00am Chris Whyle, University of Wales Swansea
Global illumination of
volumetric datasets.
10:30am Coffee
10:45am Invited talk: Ian Badcoe, Infogrames
The challenge of software development for games.
11:45am Closing remarks.
EGUK2002 at De Montfort.
in Manchester.
Award of the Ken
Brodlie and Terry Hewitt best paper prizes.
12:30pm Conference close
12:30pm Lunch
Optional Tour of the UCL CAVE
1:30pm Tour starts (approximate time)