Welcome to TP.CG.2013

The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2013 Conference (TP.CG.2013) and takes place at the University of Bath on the 5-6 September 2013. The aim of this conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and researchers, which will inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between academia and industry.

Please note that the conference will held in September; and submissions are due in May. All accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital Library, and printed for the conference.


The following awards are available:

  • £50 and a bottle of malt whisky, will be awarded to the author(s) of the best paper on the basis of both the written paper and its presentation.
  • The Rob Fletcher Prize will be awarded to the best student application paper on the basis of both the written paper and its presentation.
  • The Terry Hewitt Prize will again be awarded to the best technical research student paper on the basis of both the written paper and its presentation.

    Programme Chairs

  • Silvester Czanner (MMU)
  • Wen Tang (Teeside University)

    Local Organisers (Hosts)

  • Darren Cosker (University of Bath)


    We wish to thank our sponsors for their kind donations and support for the conference.

    We are currently looking for sponsors for TP.CG'13 - please contact the local organisers if you are interested in sponsoring this event.